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Digital Data Protection

Data transmission using the LimeSurvey system (MaCriCare survey tool) takes full advantage of qualified SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate. Thus, communication with the system is encrypted. The certificate guarantees data confidentiality.

As soon as a connection is established by a web browser with website secured with SSL protocol, the algorithms and encryption keys are determined. The algorithms and encryption keys are then used with data transfer between the browser and the web server.

SSL protocol uses asymmetric cryptography (with the public key). Thanks to them the keys are reconciled symmetric, later used for data encryption.

In connection with the use of the certificate, also service users, each time before logging in and entering data, they can independently confirm the authenticity of the system and its owner (OV- Organization Validation).

The system is covered by the Backup Policy of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. Copies are made automatically every 24 hours. Copies of the data are kept on two separate carriers, geographically dislocated. Access to the system is provided secured and monitored by a UTM (unified threat management) class network device, allowing for continuous supervision of incoming connections to the service. It allows also to keep detailed logging of incoming calls and keeping records of system communications.